We invite you to become the eyes and ears of Enduring World. Send us your own stories, photos and videos about people who you think are making a difference where you are. Tell us about the positive things they’re doing that will have a positive impact. We’ll review them, publish them and give you credit.
Send your stories to stories@EnduringWorld.org
When you find a story you like and choose to get involved, you’ll be rewarded with Positive Impact Points or PIPs, a “Social Good Currency”, which turns engagement like yours in beneficial behaviors into valued rewards that deliver material, social & economic benefits fueling a continuous “Cycle of Good”.
Find out more about PIPS at: www.pipsrewards.com
Maybe you have anywhere from 20 minutes to multiple hours a day or a week you want to use for a positive purpose. Volunteering is really straight forward and very simple. You type in the story you’re interested in, your zip code and you get a list immediately of that story’s related opportunities. You’re also eligible for PIPS Rewards.
To volunteer go to: EnduringWorld.org/volunteer
By becoming an Enduring World Member you help support the efforts of those individuals and organizations who tirelessly create the solutions to the problems we face every day. A significant portion of all membership fees will go into the Enduring World Fund which is dedicated to helping creators and innovators with their research & idea development.
To subscribe to Enduring World go to: EnduringWorld.org/subscribe
It’s now possible to donate to the Enduring World Fund which is dedicated to helping creators and innovators with their research & idea development to help bring those ideas to life. EWF uses its power to raise awareness and draw donations from around the world for the innovations & solutions that will have an impact for generations.
To donate to the Enduring World Fund go to: EnduringWorld.org/donate